Make the most of your Data with DSaaS from Tallgrass

Make the most of your Data with DSaaS from Tallgrass

Decision Science as a Service

Why we abandoned selling technology for a better approach, introducing DSaaS. Decision Science as a Service – Confidence in Action.

Decision Science at Tallgrass is distinctly based on Decision (top down) and Science (bottom up). Everything supporting the decision is our priority. Science, though important, only enriches the decision-making process before and after one is provided.

Decision Science at Tallgrass is specifically designed to provide business leaders with confidence in their actions. Decisions are never delayed because they have too much of the right information, too much of the right data, or too much confidence that the best information is currently provided. While supporting decisions is our priority, they are properly supported with enriched data which is where Tallgrass provides the science. Therefore, Tallgrass is in a unique position to support business leaders with Decision Science as a Service – Confidence in Action.

Strategic decisions cascade throughout the operations of an organization. Ideally, measurable indicators confirm compliance at the front-line, tactical level to those decisions. Unfortunately, the loop is often undefined and front-line employees are left in a gray area of non-conforming compliance, and middle managers are in no-man’s land trying to find causes for the failure? How do you close the loop?

How do you gain cohesion between decision and science within a disparate ecology of technologies? Seeing is believing, let us show you how.

Cost of the orphaned decision

At the highest level in almost every organization, eye candy illustrations are presented as actionable data. Could you imagine buying a home based on the summarized data of home prices in the U.S. with the same square footage? With data summarized to that level it would almost be impossible to find the specific home you want to purchase in the data set, but that’s exactly what today’s data visualization tools do to corporate data. They hide the true cause of issues and actionable decisions are abandoned due to the lack of visibility to their true value.

Decisions create commitments that have an opportunity “cost”, and when front-line employees are unable to comply with the intent of strategic decisions this failure becomes opportunity “loss”. The dollar value of non-compliance is very real and measuring it has been elusive, until now.

As business leaders, do we really want the value and performance of our decisions to be based on the effectiveness of weak processes? No, the merit of a decision should stand alone from the processes designed to execute it. The days of hiding within the everyday turmoil of business are over. The modern leader knows these things inherently but is often trapped by the ecology they “inherited”.

We set you free from the past costly decisions, there is a way out!

Strategic Decision Support System

How do you gain a cohesive strategy within a Strategic Decision Support System for your key business decisions AND move forward with capital efficiency efforts and business transformation without breaking everything?

How can you make everyone “happy”?

First You Technology Second

Tallgrass recognizes and supports the complex opportunities of the modern leader from a business use case perspective and not just “technology”. We know first hand of the power of emerging technologies, and how to best utilize them so they are not just another side show to distract you from core issues.

Follow us, talk to us, and learn how emerging technologies CAN be used to compliment what works.

First, let’s recognize the market place and the products available to service business transformation and mid-level Managerial Decision Support Systems. As we worked with companies throughout the turn of the millennium, we saw new breeds of technologies work their way into organizations. In time, we worked with all the new tech in some capacity and from every perspective. It’s from this real world capability in real companies with executives like yourself that we are able to offer a truly unbiased, experience and success-based perspective. What did success look like? At what cost and compromise?

Why amid so much technology, effort, and investment are we STILL compromising! The frustration is real, and so should you be.

Business Intelligence Tools

We start our comparison with BI tools. Granted this is a saturated marketplace so we looked to critique the fewest technologies with the broadest collective feature set. BI tools came onto the scene as our toolset reached critical mass in its capability to fix, enrich, and shape information. We simply went low (data) when the market went high (visuals). To our surprise, all of the adopters of these technologies now needed us more than ever. See our detailed practitioner’s views here

We learned beautiful visualizations of information, and even expensive drilling into low level data,wasn’t enough, not even close…

We needed a new approach, one that allowed us to acknowledge dysfunction and measure it over time via their inequalities, wherever they led.

Master Data Management

As companies transform many of their core systems, we feel it is important to speak to our experiences with big Master Data Management technologies that make vast claims, and have giant invoices behind those claims. Being on the services end of these technologies, we quickly gained perspective from both sides; the promises that are made and the realities associated with moving forward without a sound strategy that is aligned with an organization’s 5 to 10 year plan.

Again, the cost benefit was elusive and it seemed to be that way almost by design. Without naming names, we saw clearly how the value of a name could provide years of protection from performance and poor leadership accountability. We sought to stop being part of the triage and created the systems and processes that could solve these problems, regardless of technology. See our MDM detailed practitioner’s views here

MDM tools are major capital investments, all will outlive most of the executives who put them in place.  How do you measurably keep what is good when there’s no longer a budget for it, and all that leadership can do is double down on their new investment..? We can show you how to measure opportunity cost and loss and better gauge/time your next move wherever you are.

Robotic Process Automation

And now, the cycle of newer tech continues. Automation to stitch it all together? Yes, automation is a great strategy for further business transformation BUT it is only successful within a controlled functional ecology, top down. The dirty secret is automation rarely improves performance beyond the system or process they assist in.

Automation is NOT optimization and you cannot “bot” your way to it. Our experience with RDP now that is has a name is tactical in nature but that will change as bots start to make more strategic-like functions and less tactical “jobs”. The line will continue to blur until we can actually claim to have functional “AI”!

But now here we are, how do you measure the compliance and value of your bots? How do you “tune a bot” to new decisions, process flows and stop intra office IoT relationships? There are other factors to consider but if you don’t optimize first you won’t be optimal regardless. What is optimization? How do you optimize within a world of bots? We know how and we want to share our unique perspective with you. See our RPA detailed practitioner’s views here.  Than call on us to for a 1-1 discussion in context to your unique opportunity.

Confidence in Action


Making decisions has been a lonely and subjective effort for too long. Leaders need valid and objective information, at the right time, velocity, and shape. Decisions are always top down and side to side. We know where decisions need to align with information. When presented, information needs to include all the parts required so that it’s actionable and relatable at all levels at all times. Data becomes information always bottom up and TG subsequently never loses cohesion, leaving every perspective in a defendable state, right down the last bit.

Our DSaaS Support Center approach revolutionizes how decisions are made, collaboration performed, and compliance achieved. Here, decision compliance is performance. This means decisions aren’t orphaned for lack of visibility. In fact, we close the decision loop before a decision is even made! AI? Yes he can play too. As our intelligent processes and bots start to make more strategic decisions, we need to ensure they are having the impact that justifies their actions. Bots might comply but still lose alignment and their ability to perform. Think we’re crazy? Let us show you!

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